Holbrook Public School

Quality education in a secure and caring environment

Telephone02 6036 2021



Holbrook Public School, situated between Wagga and Albury, provides a safe and positive learning environment where children can learn and develop as individuals.

There are 151 students enrolled for 2020, with six classes and teachers in supporting roles. The teaching mix is one from very experienced through to those in their early years. The professional requirements of teaching in NSW public schools are met by all teaching staff.

Within the Holbrook community, Holbrook Public School is viewed as a school which cares about the students and seeks the best educational outcomes for all.

The school is committed to a collaborative and open approach and the pursuit of individual excellence, in a balanced, challenging and diverse curriculum catering for all students.

The school has a strong reputation for its successful academic, cultural, sporting and extra curricula programs.

The school has an active School Council and P and C, excellent facilities and dedicated staff who focus on quality programs in literacy and numeracy, technology and student welfare.

The school is set in extensive grounds within a rural town. Within the playgrounds are large grassed areas, fixed climbing equipment, cricket nets, netball, basketball, football and soccer fields, cement areas for handball, a garden and pond area, chickens and areas for eating lunch and taking part in quiet activities.

Our school community is interested and involved in their children's education. Generally, the community's expectations for the children are high in academic/cultural and moral/social development.

Children travel to school using a variety of modes of transport; bus, car, ride or walk.

In addition to standard classrooms, there are such facilities as:

  • a well-stocked library
  • a computer room
  • interactive whiteboards in all classrooms and the library
  • a video conferencing unit in one classroom
  • a covered outdoor learning area
  • an art room
  • an assembly hall
  • lunch ordering through the Holbrook Bakery
  • shade areas for passive and active play
  • a dance studio with mirrors
  • a new concrete netball court
  • a sandpit and sand toys
  • a covered outdoor eating area with synthetic grass
  • a large chessboard
  • a synthetic cricket pitch